#12 William Trubridge – This might be the last breath I ever take

Die Folge mit William Trubridge ist auf Englisch, deswegen haben wir auch den Blogartikel auf Englisch verfasst. 🙂

“This might be the last breath I ever take.”  We had goosebumps when we first heard this phrase during our conversation with William Trubridge, freediver, multiple worldrecord holder and titled deepest human under water.

He told us that sometimes when he’s diving deep these kind of negative thoughts arise. It doesn’t matter if its in freediving, extremehiking or any other sport. Negative thoughts take a lot of energy and we need to detach from them in order to perform well!

During our conversation Will is sharing with us how he manages to control thoughts and emotions and how he “programs” his subconscious mind in order to succeed.


Download the episode here:  MP3-Download

In this episode Will is talking about:

  • The sweet feeling of of success when finally achieving the world record after two failures {2:03}
  • How to program actions into your subconscious mind (8:02}
  • How not having a choice makes deep dive easier {12:08}
  • About detaching from life and embracing it! „This might be the last breath you ever take.“{17:00}
  • How he manages to control feelings. {20:06}
  • About becoming „Stillness within Stillness“ and how free diving is a shortcut to the empty minded state. {23:00}






2 Kommentare

  1. I disagree with what he says about static apnea- “It’s harder because you have the option where all you have to do is lift your head and breathe.” I would say that is a mindset that must be overcome, where you believe that it is not an option if you’re running out of air, but is what you do when you can no longer hold your breath.

    1. But you do know who Will Trubridge is don’t you? 😉

      I would say two things about him:

      1. There are few people who understand apnea better than he does.

      2. He’s a depth expert and isn’t really keen on doing static apnea. Goran Colak or Matt Malina might be better suited to talk about that discipline.

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